Clements Hall
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Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

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Historic character of our neighbourhood

John Bibby has pointed out the City of York Historic Environment Characterisation Project (YHECP), which is part of English Heritage’s characterisation programme:

“Characterisation helps to manage change in the historic environment by tracing the imprint of history. Piecing together information from maps new and historic, from aerial photos, and from the wealth of data that we already have about archaeology and buildings, it builds up area-based pictures of how places in town and country have developed over time. It shows how the past exists within today’s world….Characterisation is not an academic exercise but a vital tool for developers and planners to make sure that a place’s historical identity contributes properly to everyone’s quality of life.” English Heritage.

Take a look at the historic descriptions of our area which are on the Council website. Or you can click anywhere on the interactive map to find a description.

Among the character area statements that may interest us are:
20 Bishophill
21 Micklegate
23 Blossom Street & Nunnery Lane
24 The Mount
70 Terry’s factory
71 Clementhorpe & Bishopthorpe Road
72 Scarcroft Terraces/South Bank
73 Nunnery lane
74 York Racecourse and Knavesmire