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Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

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Our blog

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20th October 2024

Micklegate: the great street of York

Micklegate, the ‘great street’ of York, is a fascinating street, sweeping in an elegant curve from Micklegate Bar’s Royal entrance down to the Ouse Bridge. But how much do you know about those historic buildings that line the street? Read more  

29th September 2024

Gulley grates and gutters

John Pearson writes about an intriguing subject under our feet locally. Read more  

23rd September 2024

Pauline Alden

We were very sorry to hear of the death of Pauline Alden in August. She was a valued member of our group and made a significant contribution to our activities. Read more  

14th September 2024

St Clement's Church, York celebrates its 150th anniversary

This year, 2024, marks the 150th anniversary of the opening of St Clement’s Church on Scarcroft Road. This church, and its newly appointed rector, George Marsham Argles made a big impact on our local area. Read more  

29th August 2024

Was there a Roman settlement at Middlethorpe?

There’s a follow up by Simon Batchelor to our recent blogpost on the Terry’s site, with some intriguing research. Read more  

11th July 2024

Recording changes in South Bank at the Chocolate Works, York

Group Members John Stevens and Mave Morris review their research into the changes that have taken place on the Terry’s site. Read more  

19th June 2024

Hidden histories in Bishophill

Our new Bishophill book has attracted the attention of Jim Addyman, a BBC Radio York reporter looking for material for a BBC local radio series Hidden Histories. Read more  

8th June 2024

Intriguing shop model goes on display

We’re very pleased to tell you that we now have a small display in the Explore York Library foyer. Read more  

13th May 2024

Our new book about Bishophill out next week

We’ll be launching our new book next week, Bishophill and Skeldergate: exploring old shops, pubs and industries in York, the latest in our award-winning series. Read more  

5th May 2024

A York City footballer with an old shop in Bishy Road

We were delighted recently when Robert Mason gave us some wonderful photos of his uncle, George Maskill. Read more  

5th April 2024

Researching changes in the local economy over time

One of our Trustees, John Stevens, highlights a welcome new resource for exploring historical themes, which offers some surprising discoveries. Read more  

1st March 2024

Bishophill women

As it’s now Women’s History Month 2024, we’re highlighting a few of the amazing women featuring in our forthcoming book about Bishophill. Read more  

8th February 2024

Celebrating our shopping history

Yet another new shop is opening up around Bishy Road this week, once again reflecting current trends. Read more  

31st December 2023

Announcing our 2024 programme of talks

Our talks this year have proved to be very popular, so we’re delighted to announce our new programme of live talks at Clements Hall for 2024. Read more  

28th November 2023

Celebrating our history after ten years

This year we’re celebrating our 10th anniversary, as we founded our history group in 2013. Read more  

25th October 2023

Decorating the street once more

The nights are drawing in and the summer bunting has been taken down in Bishy Road, to be replaced by our lovely lights. Read more  

20th October 2023

Scoria bricks: do you have them in your neighbourhood?

In September Susan Major gave a talk for us about the double hexagon scoria bricks used in the back lanes of York. Read more  

12th October 2023

Elizabeth Melrose

We were so sorry to hear of the death of one of our Trustees last week. Clements Hall Local History Group in York was founded at Clements Hall in 2013, under the leadership of Dick Hunter, and Elizabeth Melrose was involved almost from the start. Read more  

21st September 2023

New businesses flowering in South Bank

It’s good to see that some of our historic trading premises in South Bank have sprung into life again. Businesses inevitably reflect our modern preferences of course, so these are mainly cafes and restaurants opening up, serving the large number of people living in the area. Read more  

24th August 2023

All change at Terry's

Over the last six or seven years we have watched as the Terry’s site has been transformed. It is less than 100 years since this area was still in agricultural use, as it had been since medieval times or even earlier. Read more  

31st July 2023

Exploring your family archive

We're embarking soon on another new project. The aim is to support our members' own research into their family history archives. Read more  

5th June 2023

For the weary traveller: hotels past and present, west of the Ouse

Ian Tempest recently gave us a fascinating perspective on tourism in York. Read more  

16th April 2023

A discovery and a puzzle

There's a puzzle about the 17th century wall paintings unveiled in a tiny first floor flat on Micklegate. Read more  

5th April 2023

Bringing back traditions

We’re delighted to welcome some new traders to Bishy Road, and even more pleased to see that these shops are independent traders with traditional businesses. Read more  

22nd March 2023

Voices of the Victorian Poor

There's an important new online resource about the lives of the Victorian poor during the period 1834-1900. Read more  

6th March 2023

Women's History Month: some of our local stories

This month is Women's History Month and we're keen to highlight the contribution of women to the local history stories from our area. Read more  

17th February 2023

Free online resources for local history research

There's a wealth of online resources to help you with your local history research. Here are some of the free-to-use websites. Read more  

24th January 2023

York waifs and strays

As part of our19th century Poverty Project, Elaine Bradshaw has been researching the life stories of young children who could not be cared for by their families. Read more  

18th January 2023

All change on Bishy Road

The New Year has heralded a few changes to our shops on Bishy Road, adding to other traders over the last two years. Of course over 150 years or so there have been many variations. Read more  

5th January 2023

Announcing our talks programme for 2023

We’re delighted to announce our new programme of history talks for 2023. Hopefully we'll be seeing current members back again and look forward to welcoming new members. Read more  

1st December 2022

Ada's story

Our Poverty Group have been researching what happened to some of the pauper children they identified in their recent report. How were pauper children treated in the second half of 19th century Britain? Read more  

18th October 2022

Broken families

What can we discover of the lives of wives and children of men transported in the mid-nineteenth century? Read more  

12th September 2022

Made in Clementhorpe: our new book

We're looking forward to the launch of our new book next week, the fourth in our award-winning series. Read more  

3rd September 2022

Inspiring children’s interest in their local area

Teacher Rachel Bruce has been keen to investigate with the children at her school, St Barnabas, how much the Leeman Road area had changed over time. Read more  

12th August 2022

Farewell to the Trafalgar Bay

We're very disappointed that pub managers Sarah Walmsley and Phil Roper will be leaving the Trafalgar Bay in York soon and that the pub will close. Read more  

21st July 2022

A facelift for Capaldi's

We were delighted to see that the building which used to house Capaldi's ice cream factory in Fetter Lane has had a facelift. Read more  

26th June 2022

The story of the scoria brick: a recycling success

Have you ever wondered why we have all those silvery blue tiles in our back alleyways and gutters? Read more  

17th June 2022

Jubilee celebrations in our area, this year and 1953

This blogpost celebrates our recent event and looks back at the 1953 celebrations in our area. Read more  

30th May 2022

Remembering the victims of the Baedeker raid on York

This year, 2022, marks the 80th anniversary of the German Luftwaffe raid on York in April 1942, when 94 people were killed in the city. Read more  

17th May 2022

A slum in South Bank?

Our member Rob Stay has been exploring what happened to the Caroline Street area in the 1960s. Read more  

21st April 2022

Memories of the old corner shops of Bishophill

Grace Jowitt, who was born in 1931, has been talking to her daughter Angie, about her memories of the old shops of Bishophill. Read more  

29th March 2022

In search of Walter

Dorothy Scott tells us the story of her great-uncle, who went missing in France in 1917. Read more  

2nd March 2022

National award for our latest book

We've won yet another national award for our work, the fourth award in four years. Read more  

7th February 2022

Life in the 1950s in Darnborough St

Rosemary Koch from Canada has written a memoir for us about life in our local neighbourhood seventy years ago. Read more  

14th January 2022

The old corner shops and pubs of Bishophill and Skeldergate

Our first Zoom talk of 2022 will be Susan Major, highlighting our new research about the old shops and pubs of Bishophill, on Friday 28 January, at 7.30pm Read more  

6th January 2022

Filling in the gaps: the old corn merchant in Bishy Road

We recently had a surprise email from Rosemary in Canada, who wanted to tell us some interesting information Read more  

18th December 2021

Looking back at 2021

Despite the pandemic and the obstacles it raised, 2021 has been a highly successful year for our history group. Read more  

22nd November 2021

York in close-up

Our next talk features a virtual walk round York, showing you lots of little details hiding in plain sight that often go unnoticed. Read more  

16th November 2021

Bishophill - a wealth of history

This year we joined forces with Bishophill History Group, to share history and resources. We're now celebrating this with a free event coming up soon. Read more  

27th October 2021

Success with yet another national award

We're very excited to announce that our group has won yet another national award for our work. Read more  

20th October 2021

A mysterious object

We received some fascinating photos of the Page family of Price St, Nunnery Lane recently, from Gill and Brian Hughes, and a strange object caught our eye on one of them. Read more  

4th October 2021

The South Bank Tramway

The South Bank Tramway was an electric overhead tramway route from York Railway Station to South Bank, operating between 1913 and 1935. Read more  

13th September 2021

New book about Nunnery Lane and Clementhorpe out next week

Our new book about the old shops and pubs of Nunnery Lane and Clementhorpe is out next week Read more  

16th August 2021

The Dimmey family of York

Our latest blog post features researches by our member Catherine Sotheran, into a York family with a long history of craft working. Read more  

19th July 2021

The old corner shops of Bishophill

This year we were delighted to merge with Bishophill History Group. It’s a fascinating area inside the walls to the south of the city centre, but we decided to start by looking at the old shops which used to be in Bishophill, within living memory. Read more  

16th June 2021

Soldiers and Zeppelins: our latest smartphone walk

Our latest walk invites you to think about how World War 1 impacted on our area of York, South Bank. Read more  

24th May 2021

"The history of York is the history of England"

Our latest guest blog post is from York Civic Trust, about their education packs, which include material relating to our area. Read more  

19th April 2021

A tragic figure of singular promise

This is the story of a young composer living in Albemarle Road in the early 20th century, who died tragically at an early age. He was inspired by many local features. Read more  

31st March 2021

The Mosses of Moss Street

In our latest blog post, our member Peter Thompson recounts the intriguing story of what happened when he started investigating the street where he lives in York, South Parade, off Blossom St. He was sidetracked into exploring the history of a local family and how Moss Street was eventually developed Read more  

15th March 2021

Rowntree, York, and the 1918 flu pandemic

For our next talk Catherine Oakley shares questions and findings from her early research into York’s experience of the Spanish flu. Read more  

3rd March 2021

Inspiring new merger with Bishophill

We're really excited to announce that following discussions over the last few months, we have agreed to merge with Bishophill History Group, expanding our area to include Bishophill. Read more  

8th February 2021

Stray cows and iron horses: how Francis Bean escaped the Poor Law Union

Our next Zoom talk, on Friday 19 February at 7.30pm, features Elaine Bradshaw, one of our members. Elaine has been part of our Poverty Research Group project, examining Poor Law out-relief records of people in our area. Read more  

1st February 2021

Orphans and nurse-children: growing up poor in mid-19th century York

We've been using Poor Law Records to investigate 19th century poverty locally. How do we discover the lives of family 'strays' such as orphans? This post reveals glimpses of their lives and uncovers more about them. Read more  

16th January 2021

Remembering Nunnery Lane

Our first Zoom talk of 2021 will be Susan Major, highlighting our new research about the old shops and pubs on Nunnery Lane on 29 January Read more  

7th January 2021

Keeping our local history alive

This has been a remarkable year for the History Group. Read more  

14th December 2020

Hidden Clementhorpe - a new walk

Our latest smartphone walk, the fourth in our series of lockdown history walks, is now live on our website. Read more  

2nd December 2020

All change on Bishy Road

Now that lockdown has finished we're pleased to welcome some new traders to Bishy Road, as well as other changes. Read more  

26th November 2020

A closer look at York

One of our members Catherine Sotheran writes about her passion for photography. Read more  

20th November 2020

Three self-guided history walks for lockdown

Lockdown measures and other restrictions have encouraged us to find new ways of sharing our local history stories, in the face of closed venues. Read more  

9th November 2020

Railway employment in Dale St, Dove St and Swann St, 1841-1881

We've been exploring railway worker families around Nunnery Lane in the 19th century Read more  

2nd November 2020

BAFTA showcase success

Local filmmaker for our WW1 project, Chris Maudsley, is to have his script performed at a BAFTA showcase this week. Read more  

14th October 2020

Researching poverty in 1841 in York

Today Dick Hunter looks at the background to our poverty project research, and cites examples of those who applied for assistance from Dale Street, Dove Street and Swann Street in York Read more  

5th October 2020

A ‘fall from grace’ or a push from the patriarchy?

Local A level History student, Cecily O'Neill, has written a guest blog post for us, about the York Penitentiary on Bishophill, Read more  

23rd September 2020

New app takes us on a walk through history in South Bank

We’re now delighted to launch the first of what we hope will be several audio-guided history walks. Read more  

14th September 2020

Nunthorpe Grove - a double tragedy and a mystery solved

Nunthorpe Grove has been described as the most ill-fated street in wartime York. We look again at this tragedy and solve a puzzle. Read more  

7th September 2020

Petitioning for Mercy

The case of Sarah Ann Hill, convicted of infanticide at York Assizes Read more  

29th August 2020

Exciting new find about Clementhorpe Nunnery

Just over a year ago Simon Batchelor wrote for us here about the 'naughty nuns' in the medieval nunnery at Clementhorpe. Read more  

10th August 2020

Romans under our feet

Walking around York there are many visual reminders that York was once a Roman city. Sometimes what we can’t see is even more fascinating; there are tantalising stories from the past lying just below our feet. Read more  

29th July 2020

How to be a Saint in York

In a guest blog post Alan Atkinson writes that there is a wonderful book waiting to be written about the community of women who lived at Micklegate Bar during the 1700's - and since that time. Read more  

8th July 2020

The old shops and pubs of Nunnery Lane and Clementhorpe

We're still working on our project about the old shops and pubs of Nunnery Lane and Clementhorpe. Read more  

26th June 2020

Poverty Research Project: sources for 18th century family history

We recently received an enquiry from Sydney, Australia, where Alan Atkinson is researching an ancestor, James Atkinson of York. Read more  

22nd June 2020

The Great Visitation of 1604: the plague in York

Today the death rate in England from Coronavirus is around 1 in 1500. Go back 400 years and the death rate in York could hit 1 in 15. Read more  

12th June 2020

Creating an archive of our experience of COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed the world - and York was the first city in the country with confirmed coronavirus cases. Read more  

5th June 2020

Keeping our local history alive

For the past few months the lockdown has stopped us from carrying out our normal programme of history talks. Read more  

10th April 2020

Paupers and the York Poor Law Union

Dick Hunter provides an update to our Poverty Project Read more  

3rd April 2020

Answers to our quiz

Last week we set you a fiendish quiz. We hope you enjoyed it - here are the answers. Read more  

1st April 2020

Pawnbrokers, horse troughs and lupins: a quiz for you

We're offering you a quiz in place of our usual activities. All but one of the answers are on our website here. Read more  

27th March 2020

History group: an update

Clements Hall is now closed, so sadly we can’t offer you talks and walks at the moment. Read more  

1st March 2020

Remembering old Nunnery Lane and Clementhorpe

We're starting work on our third book. It’s going to be about the old shops (and pubs) of Nunnery Lane and Clementhorpe. Read more  

6th February 2020

Pizzeria with Sicilian roots opens on Bishy Road

One of our familiar restaurants on Bishy Road re-opens this Friday as a pizzeria. Read more  

24th January 2020

Shadows in the Bricks

Our first event for 2020 is on Friday 31 January. It's a talk by Susan Major, who wrote our latest book which traces the old traders of South Bank, as well as the history of some notable buildings in the area. Read more  

4th December 2019

A new shop on the street: King of Vapes

The latest arrival on Bishy Road, leading to much discussion, is King of Vapes, opening at no.31, formerly Hopscotch, which closed earlier this year. Read more  

28th November 2019

The Chocolate Letters: York men and the Greet War

We're pleased to hear about a new publication that indirectly emerges from one of our own World War 1 events in 2016. Read more  

21st November 2019

The Wood family of the River Ouse

A talk by John Shaw from Yorkshire Architectural and York Archaeological Society Read more  

11th November 2019

Shadows in the Bricks: the old shops of South Bank in York

We're delighted to announce that our new book, Shadows in the Bricks: the old shops of South Bank in York, will be published next week. Read more  

29th October 2019

A hand to mouth existence: the story of Eliza Seymour

We’ve been examining the role of 19th century outdoor relief - publicly-financed poor relief - given in kind and/or in money, to allow poor people to remain in their own homes. Read more  

23rd October 2019

Clementhorpe, York: Over 200 Years of Work and Industry

If you look at maps of the Clementhorpe area at around the end of the nineteenth century, you will see a number of large buildings variously labelled ‘chemical manure works’, ‘confectionery works’, ‘thread mill’, ‘glassworks’, ‘shipyard’ and so forth. Read more  

19th October 2019

The two cousins and the First World War

We wrote about the Oberhoffer family three years ago, when we were looking at aliens and their families in our area in the First World War. Read more  

11th September 2019

Cultivating in the City

For our next talk on Friday 20 September 2019 we're very pleased to welcome back Dr Ross Wilson, who has written extensively about the social history of York's allotments. Read more  

25th August 2019

Making ends meet: exploring mid-nineteenth century poverty in our area

Our latest research project explores mid-nineteenth poverty locally, focusing on the St Mary Bishophill Junior parish during the period 1839-43. This includes streets outside the City Walls such as Nunnery Lane, Dale Street, Dove Street and Swann Street. Read more  

31st July 2019

Our latest female shopkeepers are open for business

Female shopkeepers have played a substantial role in the history of the Bishy Road shops, and we’re delighted that our latest two shops are run by pairs of women. Read more  

6th June 2019

Boozing, booze and boozers in our area

One of our members, Rob Stay, recently gave us a fascinating talk about the history of the pubs in our area, and has kindly provided us with his notes for our website Read more  

24th April 2019

How our neighbourhood has changed

We have some talented local people with an interest in the history of our neighbourhood. Deen Manning has been creating some short videos, showing how historic views have changed, with surprisingly little development, apart from the arrival of the motor car. Read more  

26th March 2019

Encouraging children to find out how their local shops have changed

We launched a school resource pack today for junior school children, based on our research into the history of the Bishy Road shops over the last 150 years. Read more  

13th March 2019

The Bousfield family at home at Albemarle Road

Our latest research into a local family from Albemarle Road, the Bousfields. Read more  

28th February 2019

A Poor Law Relief case study

In our poverty research project we've been investigating the lives of local people over several generations, exploring how their circumstances led them to claims for Poor Law Relief. Read more  

20th February 2019

Celebrating 54 years on Bishy Road

Clements Hall Local History Group joined with the Bishopthorpe Road Traders Association yesterday, in celebrating the retirement of Robin and Glynis Wetherill from their shop, Bishopgate Antiques. Read more  

12th February 2019

The naughty nuns of Clementhorpe

One of our members, Simon Batchelor, writes about the medieval nunnery at Clementhorpe. Read more  

6th February 2019

Two new research projects

One of our members has embarked upon two research projects focusing on aspects of our area. Read more  

28th January 2019

Another national award for our website

We’re delighted to announce that we've won yet another national award for our website. Read more  

6th January 2019

Bishy Road – 150 years of our local shopping street

We're pleased to announce that the first talk in 2019 will be Susan Major, presenting her local history researches: "Bishy Road – 150 years of our local shopping street". Read more  

22nd December 2018

The Hurd family of Thorpe St, York

We recently received the following account of a local family, with some charming photos of Thorpe St and of Scarcroft School pupils. Read more  

13th December 2018

Welcome to the Bishy Weigh

Welcome to our latest trader in Bishy Road, at no 1, on the corner of Nunnery Lane. Read more  

6th November 2018

Rowntree Park remembers

After the First World War, Joseph Rowntree bought land and created Rowntree Park as a gift to York citizens, in memory of the Rowntree employees who had served in the war. Read more  

4th November 2018

Two history talks in November

We have two history talks coming up soon. Read more  

26th October 2018

What was it like to be poor in 19th century York?

Dick Hunter reports on progress with our Poor Law project Read more  

11th September 2018

Bishy Road book out next week

Our new book is out next week! Read more  

6th September 2018

Holding the Line: Female Railway Workers in World War II

On Friday 21 Sept 2018, History Group member Susan Major will be talking about her new book, out in August from Pen & Sword Books. Female Railway Workers in WW II features the voices of women recorded by the Friends of the National Railway Museum, talking about their wartime railway experiences. Read more  

28th August 2018

Bishy Road: a York shopping street in time

We're delighted to say that our new book will be out soon, available to buy in local shops and from Clements Hall. Read more  

9th July 2018

Success with national award for our digital work

We’re delighted to report that we’ve won a national award for our digital work Read more  

6th July 2018

Bloomin' lovely success in Bishy Road

Bloom York 2018 is a beautiful celebration of flowers in York this year, and quite a few of our Bishy Road traders have worked very hard to take part in the window dressing competition. Read more  

24th June 2018

Summer walk Friday 29 June

There are still places available on the next summer walk on Friday evening 29th June. Read more  

20th June 2018

Making ends meet on Nunnery Lane

Our new research project will investigate poverty and hardship in the mid-19th century in a part of our area of York to the south of the City Walls, Nunnery Lane. Read more  

2nd May 2018

Doing it for themselves

In our next talk Dr Jennifer Aston (Northumbria University) will be presenting her researches on 19th century female business owners in Yorkshire. Read more  

23rd April 2018

Our latest video: Soldier, Brother, Friend

Our new video: Soldier Brother Friend: a Calendar of the War-Dead, South Bank, York, 1914-1918, is now available on our YouTube channel Read more  

4th April 2018

Mary Enoch, district nurse

Today we welcome a guest blog post from Rosemary Cook of Dringhouses Local History Group about her researches into local nurses. Read more  

8th March 2018

The Richmond Cell Block Project

For our next talk Friday 16 March we're very pleased to welcome the project team from the Richmond Castle Conscientious Objector Cells (English Heritage). Read more  

28th February 2018

Making ends meet on Nunnery Lane in the late 19th century

We now have a significant local resource that opens a window into the lives of people living in our neighbourhood over 100 years ago. Read more  

26th January 2018

Remembering a community champion

One of the best known members of the community has been lost to us due to his sudden death. Keith Chapman was a former Chairman and active committee member of the Nunnery Area Residents’ Association. Read more  

2nd January 2018

What can we learn about poverty in York over the last two centuries?

We're very pleased to welcome Julie-Ann Vickers for our first talk in 2018, on Friday 26 January at 7.30pm at Clements Hall. Read more  

24th December 2017

The end of our WW1 project

We've been working hard over the last two years on our WW1 project, which finishes this month. There have been some lovely comments about our publications, videos and displays, and we hope to tour some of these in York in 2018. Read more  

26th November 2017

Ernest Woodall and the role of decoy ships

By researching individual human stories it’s possible to learn much more about the historical background to war. One of the men commemorated on the Scarcroft School WW1 Memorial, former pupil Ernest Woodall, served on a decoy ship in the First World War. Read more  

19th November 2017

Presenting our researches

We had a tremendous day on Saturday at Clements Hall, showing local people our displays about the fascinating and eventful stories we’ve been exploring in our World War 1 project over the last two years. Read more  

26th October 2017

Our new website

As you may have noticed, we now have a brilliant new website here at Read more  

3rd October 2017

Two events coming up soon

Next month we have two events coming up. On Friday 17th November we’re welcoming writer and historian Jill Liddington, who will be talking about local suffragettes, in advance of the Vote 100 celebrations next year. Read more  

13th September 2017

Stop press again...

We struggled to find a replacement speaker at short notice when our publicised speaker on the wonderful new York Historic Towns Atlas had to pull out. Read more  

12th September 2017

Stop press: change of speaker

Our next meeting is on Friday 22 September 2017, when our speaker will be Elizabeth Smith, from Dringhouses Local History Group, with a talk entitled From Gillamoor to Dringhouses: The Life of John Close, Gentleman. Read more  

5th September 2017

End of an era

Sadly we say goodbye this month to Caroline Lewis, who has run the independent delicatessen, The Good Food Shop, on Bishy Road for thirteen years, with many locally sourced, tasty food products. Read more  

31st July 2017

Mental Nursing and The Great War

One of our group members, Peter Nolan, is particularly interested in exploring local evidence about mental health nursing during World War 1. Read more  

1st July 2017

Where did those grapes come from?

We’re pleased to see that the decorative carvings on the Angel on the Green have now been embellished with gold paint. Read more  

27th June 2017

Next event: A Walk in Rowntree Park

We still have a few places for our next event, which is on Friday evening 7 July 2017: A Walk in Rowntree Park, with Alison Sinclair. Read more  

10th June 2017

Pawnbrokers: the poor man’s banker

Pauline Alden has been looking at local pawnbrokers, after finding a local man appealing against conscription in 1916. Read more  

9th June 2017

Walter Brierley – the architect of Scarcroft School

Friends of Scarcroft School invite you to an evening talk by Edward Waterson about Walter Brierley, the man who designed Scarcroft School. Read more  

3rd June 2017

Lady volunteers at Southlands Church in the First World War

Pauline Alden and Anne Houson have been exploring how local women at Southlands Methodist Church supported soldiers during the war. Read more  

30th May 2017

Zeppelin film

For those of you that missed the screening of our short Zeppelin film on 19 May, we now have our own YouTube channel. Read more  

18th May 2017

Maria Button – a story of poverty

Pauline Alden has been researching the life of a young woman in our area, following up a brief story in the York Herald from January 1916. Read more  

4th May 2017

Getting out of the Trenches

Our next event is on Friday 19th May at 7.30pm, at Clements Hall, with a talk by Helen Snelson, Head of History from The Mount School: Getting out of the Trenches: Teaching the First World War to Teenagers. Read more  

15th April 2017

The contribution of women on the WW1 Home Front in our area

Pauline Alden has been researching more stories about our local women during the First World War. Read more  

1st April 2017

The Dodsworth sisters

Anne Houson has been researching the three Dodsworth sisters, Dorothy, Kit and Evie, and their role in the First World War. Read more  

20th March 2017

28 Nunnery Lane – an off licence for over seventy years

Martin Reagan is a follower of our website and contacted us with some information about his family. Read more  

12th March 2017

‘A brave bright devotion to duty’: YMCA driver Betty Stevenson

Pauline Alden has been researching the role of local women in the First World War, including the story of Betty Stevenson. Read more  

7th March 2017

Five Streets: the Early History of the Scarcroft Road Estate, York

This Friday evening, 10 March 2017, Mark Service will be talking about Five Streets: the Early History of the Scarcroft Road Estate, York. Read more  

25th February 2017

Nunthorpe Hall: The Story of an Auxiliary Hospital in World War One

One of the noteworthy buildings in our area was Nunthorpe Hall. This was in the area now built over as Coggan Close, between Albemarle Road and Philadelphia Terrace. The Hall was demolished in 1977. Read more  

20th February 2017

Bernard Kirby

Bishy Road is an important community space for us, with many local characters featuring there over many years. Read more  

5th February 2017

Welcome to the new Corner Gallery

The Corner Gallery, on the corner of Scarcroft Road and Nunmill St, has recently had a facelift and changed hands. Read more  

30th January 2017

Farewell to Charles McBride

Sadly our local independent optician, Charles McBride, has just retired, to spend more time with his family, after over twenty years in Bishy Road. Read more  

16th January 2017

WW1 Home Front Stories

What did a group of local York women think about taking on munitions work in WW1? How did Scarcroft schoolchildren get involved in the war? And what made some men refuse to fight? Read more  

2nd January 2017

Arguing against militarism

Pauline Alden has been exploring the experiences of local man William Varley, who was a Socialist, a member of the No Conscription Fellowship and a pacifist. Read more  

9th December 2016

Welcome to the Angel on the Green

The exciting new community cafe/bar/bike repair shop on Bishy Road is open at last, on the corner of Darnborough St. Read more  

4th December 2016

Performing our stories

Earlier this year, when we were shown the text of a song written by a local munitions worker in Bishophill, we could not have predicted that this would lead to a performance in the York Explore central library, on 26 November 2016. Read more  

7th November 2016

Richard Chicken of York, a model for Micawber?

We are delighted to announce that Brian Oxberry and his colleagues from the Charles Dickens (Malton) Society will be presenting ‘A Dickensian Performance: Richard Chicken of York, the real Wilkins Macawber’, at Clements Hall on Friday 25 November 2016. Read more  

8th September 2016

A new resource for exploring the impact of WW1 conscription

In December we’ll be hosting a training workshop focusing on an important WW1 resource, newly available at the North Yorkshire County Record Office. Read more  

4th September 2016

‘That Vile Train’: Ambulance Trains in World War 1: Alison Kay (National Railway Museum)

Our next meeting is on Friday 30 September 2016 at 7.30 pm, when Alison Kay, archivist at the National Railway Museum, will be uncovering the history of First World War ambulance trains and the millions of people who travelled on them. Read more  

18th July 2016

Shadows in the Bricks

Our next event is on Sunday 31 July, at the Winning Post pub. From 12 noon onwards we’ll be exhibiting images and memories about South Bank – the corner shops in the terraced streets, the clubs and community life. Read more  

23rd June 2016

A sad loss

Every neighbourhood has a particular resident who takes a devoted interest in the local history of their area and we were sorry recently to lose one of those. Read more  

12th June 2016

Local WW1 women volunteers and sphagnum moss

Anne Houson has been investigating natural dressings: Read more  

25th May 2016

Exploring the impact of the May 1916 Zeppelin attack

Aerial bombing of Britain began in January 1915. By the end of the War it accounted for some 1,417 deaths, and 3,400 injuries. Read more  

10th May 2016

Footprints from the past

Pauline Alden writes about her researches into the shops on Nunnery Lane. Read more  

28th April 2016

Walking the Zeppelin route

Today members of the History Group were delighted to join a group of schoolchildren on a commemorative Zeppelin walk. Read more  

18th April 2016

Robinsons: a warm welcome to our latest cafe

This week we welcome Robinsons, a new cafe just opened on Bishy Road, taking over the premises vacated by the popular Puddin’ and Pie. Read more  

6th April 2016

Zeppelin over York

Our next talk ZEPPELIN OVER YORK on FRIDAY 6 MAY 2016 7:30 PM Read more  

3rd April 2016

Winning the Children

Clements Hall Local History Group is harnessing the interests of people living locally to take part in an exploration of the impact and legacy of WW1, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. One of the themes of this project is the influence of religion. Read more  

22nd March 2016

Bringing the Great War home

We have just completed the third shared visit to the battlefields of the Western Front between 15 and 16 year olds from The Mount and Millthorpe Schools. Read more  

9th March 2016

Teddy Boy attraction on Bishy Road

During much of the last century, one half of the premises now occupied by Trinacria on Bishopthorpe Road was a gentleman’s outfitters. Read more  

4th March 2016

Historic Pubs : a conservation issue pioneered in York

We take pride in our wonderful heritage pubs in York, with their celebrated historic interiors, including the Swan and the Golden Ball in our own local area. But did you know that the campaign to save Britain’s historic pub interiors had its origins here in York around 40 years ago? Read more  

29th January 2016

Our next talk: Early Victorian Railway Excursions: the Million Go Forth

We were very pleased to welcome many new faces to the first talk of our new programme. Our History Group offer a varied range of topics, see here for the list, and we’re always keen to see new people. Read more  

27th January 2016

Housing the poor

During the course of her investigation of properties on Nunnery Lane, Pauline Alden has been looking at almhouses. Read more  

17th January 2016

From Gimcrack to Frankel: a Gallop through the History of York Racecourse

We’re launching the first of our new programme of local history talks this Friday, 22nd January 2016, in the Main Hall at Clements Hall. Read more  

10th January 2016

The Winning Post – a decorative puzzle

You might not be aware that the profile of public houses in our area has been shaped by a figure from a hundred years ago. Canon Argles of St Clements arrived in the parish in 1871 and became an outspoken critic of drink and public houses, seeing drink as a social evil. Despite the large number of houses being built in the Bishopthorpe Road area of York he was able to use his influence to prevent pubs opening in South Bank until his death in 1920. It was not until 1932 that the Knavesmire pub opened. Read more  

19th December 2015

New programme of talks for 2016

We’re delighted to announce a new programme of history talks for 2016. These cover a wide range of interests and periods, including two events which reflect our First World War project:. Read more  

10th December 2015

Making the best of Auntie Clara’s drawers

Anne Houson writes: Most people have an ‘Auntie Clara’ who safeguards family heirlooms for future generations. But just how safely is she keeping your family treasures? Read more  

2nd December 2015

Guided tour of St Clement’s Church

Please note the next meeting of Clements Hall Local History Group will be on Wednesday 16 December at 7pm at Clements Hall. After a short business meeting Simon Batchelor will take us on a guided tour of St Clement’s Church. Read more  

26th November 2015

Early Victorian Railway Excursions: ‘The Million Go Forth’

Susan Major writes: My book on railway excursions has just been published by Pen and Sword Books Ltd. Read more  

18th November 2015

New traders celebrate historic traditions

It’s good to see two newcomers complementing our range of independent traders on Bishy Road. This gives us a chance to look back at the previous history of these two particular shops. We’re thrilled to see that both are reflecting some old traditions. Read more  

16th November 2015

Successful bid for £10,000 support from Heritage Lottery Fund

We’re very pleased to announce today that our History Group has been awarded £10,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for our new project, Impact and Legacy of the First World War on our Neighbourhood. Read more  

21st October 2015

It’s Back to the Future Day for Bishy Road

It’s Back to the Future Day today, celebrating the day which Michael J Fox’s Marty McFly and Christopher Lloyd’s Doc Brown travelled to, in Back to the Future 2 in 1989. So we thought we’d use Rob Stay’s fascinating photos of Bishy Road in the mid- 1980s to see how we’ve changed: Read more  

27th September 2015

The shady side of life in Nunnery Lane

Pauline Alden has been looking at the intriguing story of Annie Caspar, a woman living locally over 100 years ago. The information was obtained from Annie’s descendant Michael Kettlewell. Read more  

14th September 2015

Next meeting Wednesday 7th October 2015

At our next meeting we’re interviewing Beryl Long about her long and varied life in York. Beryl, who recently moved to our area after over half a century in Bishophill, will discuss her life including childhood, school, family and leisure. And we’ll explore the changes she has witnessed too. Read more  

11th September 2015

Pickled tongues and York Cream Sherry: looking back at our food shopping

This year at the Bishy Road Food Festival we’re celebrating our wonderful shops, cafes and restaurants. But we’ve had many such shops serving local residents in the past. Looking back you can see how we’ve changed our eating habits and how our local streets have reflected food shopping trends over the last 150 years. Read more  

19th July 2015

Next meeting Wed 19th August 2015: Bring an Historical Object

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 19th August at 7pm in the Art Room at Clements Hall. We invite you bring an item you value, to share with the meeting. Read more  

1st July 2015

Can you help solve a WW1 puzzle?

Some members of the Clements Hall Local History Group have been researching the devastating effects of the First World War locally. Read more  

1st June 2015

Next meeting Wed 17 June 2015: ‘Am I bovvered? Engaging teenagers in local history’

Our next meeting takes place on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at 7 pm in the Art Room, Clements Hall, Nunthorpe Rd. Helen Snelson, head of history at the Mount School, will give a talk entitled ‘Am I bovvered? Engaging teenagers in local history’. Read more  

18th May 2015

Joseph Sherwood: the birth of a shop in Bishopthorpe Road

The Borthwick Archive at the University of York holds a wonderful treasure for those interested in Bishopthorpe Road in the late nineteenth century. It also describes how one of our shops was born. Read more  

28th April 2015

Come and visit our stall at the Street Party on Saturday

We’ll be displaying more old photos at our stall at the Bishy Road Street Party on Saturday 2nd May, together with excerpts from the diary of one of our 19th century shopkeepers. Read more  

25th April 2015

Next meeting: Wednesday 13 May 2015

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 13 May at 7pm at Clements Hall. Dick Hunter will present research findings about the impact of the Zeppelin aerial attack on York in May 1916. All welcome. Read more  

29th March 2015

Next meeting Wednesday 15 April 2015

Our next meeting takes place on Wednesday 15 April at 7pm at Clement’s Hall in the Art Room. Read more  

25th January 2015

Researching war memorials: our next meeting

Did you know that over 150 men were killed from our area as a result of the first World War? If you take a look at ‘First World War dead from our area’ you’ll be able to see where the next-of-kin of these men lived and the distribution of deaths from such a small area. Read more  

27th October 2014

The rise and fall of shopping at multiple groceries

Although the great majority of our Bishy Road traders are independents, there are a few shops and services which are part of multiple chains, such as Swinton Insurance, Johnsons dry cleaners, Churchills estate agents, Thomas the Baker, Domino’s Pizza, Sainsburys Local and Costcutter. Read more  

20th October 2014

Decorating the Street

Our Bishy Road traders have worked hard to raise funds in the local community to enhance their Christmas display. But you might be intrigued to hear of something similar over 120 years ago, in a tale which includes the opening of a new library and even bridge tolls. Some things never change. Read more  

16th October 2014

The corner of Scarcroft Road: From butchers and drapers to hairdressers and grocers

Hairdressers Glen and Julio tell us that the terrace to the south of their hair salon, known as Avondale Crescent, was built in the early 1880’s by a brother of the Hawkswell family who subsequently owned all the properties. The salon, now 47 Bishopthorpe Road, but then no 1 Avondale Crescent, was originally built as a butcher’s shop and a private five-bedroom house. Read more  

15th August 2014

Historic character of our neighbourhood

John Bibby has pointed out the City of York Historic Environment Characterisation Project (YHECP), which is part of English Heritage’s characterisation programme: Read more  

15th August 2014

A narrow escape

We all value our local shopping street on Bishy Road with its independent traders but did you know that even up to the 1970s there were plans to change the neighbourhood completely? Read more  

29th July 2014

Millfield Road celebrations reflect historical event

On Sunday 29 June 2014 the residents of Millfield Road held a street party to celebrate Le Grand Depart of the Tour de France in Yorkshire. Read more  

21st July 2014

Next meeting this week

Our next meeting is this week on Wednesday 23rd July at 7pm at Clements Hall in Nunthorpe Road, York YO23 1BW. All welcome. Read more  

16th July 2014

A shoemaking family

Terry Woodward's father Harold and grandfather Charles Hartley Woodward had the boot repairer's shop on the corner of Bishopthorpe Road and Vine Street, known as the City Boot Repairing Co. Ltd. They traded here from the 1920s and part of their business involved making boots for the army. Read more  

14th July 2014

Our Memory Wall about Bishy Road shops

These are some of the things people told us about the shops when we talked to them at the street party, which we’ve added to other memories. Read more  

11th June 2014

Thanks everyone for your support at Bishy Road Street Party

and thanks to volunteers, enthusiasts and all variety of helpers ! Watch this space for more memory sharing ! Read more  

3rd June 2014

Bishy Road Street Party 6 July

We're staging a photo display about the history of the shops at the Bishy Road Street Party on 6 July. Importantly this will include a memory wall, with anecdotes and evocative memories of the shops over the years and what they meant to people growing up locally. Read more  

18th May 2014

Next meeting Tuesday 20 May 2014

Don't forget our meeting this week, Tuesday 20 May at 7pm at the Slip Inn. All welcome. Read more  

12th May 2014

Successful Local History day - thanks

A big thank you to everyone who came and/or contributed to our event on 9 May – I think it would be fair to say that talk, cake and history made for an enriching and enjoyable afternoon. Read more  

1st May 2014

Community history event 9 May 2014

Our next event is on Friday 9 May 2014, 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm at Clement’s Hall (opposite Scarcroft Primary school). This is a free programme of short talks, with an exhibition of photographs, old maps and other material, and free refreshments. Read more  

27th March 2014

Our community history

There’s a lot of history behind the development of our area of York - Scarcroft, Clementhorpe and South Bank. Importantly photographs and memories play a large part in capturing how we used to live, work, shop and play. Read more  

17th February 2014

Remembering the Great War in our area

The Great War had a significant effect on our area, demonstrated by the number of war memorials which commemorate those who died. These memorials are at St Clements Church, Scarcroft School and at Southlands Methodist Church. Read more  

6th February 2014

it’s not a party, but it’s an opportunity to share …….18 February

It might not be as good as this Party on Drake Street for the 1953 Coronation, but...... come along to Clements Hall 1400 - 1700 in the Art Room on Tuesday 18 February, for an opportunity to share your findings about the history of our area. Read more  

5th January 2014

Group meeting Tuesday 7 January 2014

All welcome to attend a meeting for Clements Hall Local History Group on Tuesday 7 January in the Art Room at Clements Hall 1900 - 2100. All that's required is yourselves and/or ideas ,and/or enthusiasm and/or local history. Read more  

19th November 2013

WW1 memorials in our area

The Local History Days at Clements Hall at the beginning of November featured many interesting talks, walks and displays, and we would like to thank all concerned for their efforts in contributing to this event. Read more  

18th November 2013

Next meeting Tuesday 19 November 2013

The next meeting of the Clements Hall Local History Group is tomorrow, Tuesday 19th November, 7pm-9pm at Clements Hall. We’ll be reviewing the Local History Days which have just been held at the Hall and thinking about what we would like to do during the next year. Read more  

18th November 2013

The Dairy Guest House at 3 Scarcroft Road

Anne Houson writes: Maybe some readers will remember when the Dairy Guest House was actually a dairy. Read more  

10th October 2013

Local History Days Friday 1 and Saturday 2 November

What is the history around you? Come and find out! Read more  

27th August 2013

Help needed

Clements Hall Local History Group is researching First World War dead from the Clementhorpe, Nunnery Lane, Scarcroft and South Bank areas. Read more  

24th August 2013

Was there life before Sainsbury’s?

Yes, there was life before Sainsbury’s and it was Jacksons – very blue – nearly as blue as its 1980’s neighbour at no 5 – The Private Shop, which shut in 1988 when it was refused a licence to trade. Read more  

23rd July 2013

Next meeting: Monday 9 September, 2013

The next meeting is on Monday 9 September, 7pm to 9pm at Clements Hall. Dick Hunter will introduce a discussion on how the First World War centennial might be commemorated locally. Read more  

17th July 2013

Shops research

Material about the history of our local shops, which Susan Major and Carol Warren presented at our last meeting, is now on this website. Read more  

16th June 2013

Hugh Murray, History Man

We were sorry to hear of the death of Hugh Murray last week. He was a tremendous resource for all those who are interested in the history of York. Read more  

5th June 2013

Upper Price Street

One of our members took a closer look at one street in particular, Upper Price Street, to see how the Great War affected the lives of people living there. Read more  

5th June 2013


Our local shops are very important to us and play a major role in the local community. Read more