Clements Hall
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Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

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History Group update

Clements Hall

Clements Hall is now closed, so sadly we can’t offer you talks and walks at the moment. But we can use our extensive website here at to give you things to read, including background material on forthcoming talks. (You can keep up-to-date with new material by clicking here)

Elaine Bradshaw was going to be talking in March about Eliza Seymour and her struggles with poverty, as a charmingly named ‘bastard orphan’. This is part of our new research project investigating poverty and hardship in the mid-19th century in the Nunnery Lane area. Follow the link to find out more.

Then in May Ian Tempest was listed to talk about industrial development in York in the 19th century, particularly in Clementhorpe and South Bank. He was drawing upon research carried out by our members John Stevens and Mave Morris, which has now been fully loaded onto our website here. Their findings were fascinating. Did you know that we had other confectionery manufacturers locally? As well as Terry’s in Clementhorpe there were also Nunthorpe Peel Works and H Backhouse for example. And we had Sinkinson’s, who brewed botanical beer.

How will this current crisis be remembered?  What materials will be available for the future historian to use in writing the history of covid-19?  We might each keep a personal diary, a record how we respond at individual, household and community level. You might also record your response to national and international developments. We can collect local official and private circulars, and record snatches of conversation and observed behaviour in streets and shops. And collect our creative responses such as new social networks and rainbow posters. Plus videos of how we express support for health workers. This is an opportunity to contribute to the history of the future.  Clements Hall Local History Group can consider exhibiting collections when the crisis is over.

One of our members, Catherine Oakley, is writing up a piece about the 1918/19 flu pandemic in York, the community's response to it, and the role of Rowntree's in this. We’ll add that to our website when we can.

Our new Chair Anne Houson is going to be compiling a local history quiz to occupy your time, so watch this space.

Lastly you will probably have lots of spare time for reading. A small group of us are carrying on with online researches into the history of shops on Nunnery Lane. If you haven’t already bought our books Bishy Road: a York shopping street in time and Shadows in the Bricks: the old shops of South Bank, and would like to buy one now, let us know on Please do not send cheques to Clements Hall as it is closed.