Clements Hall
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Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

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Success with national award for our digital work

We’re delighted to report that we’ve won a national award for our digital work. This will be presented on 10 July in Birmingham, when the Community Archives and Heritage Group (CAHG) announces at its annual conference the winners of its annual Awards for Excellence.

CAHG is part of the Archives and Records Association (UK & Ireland), and its awards are highly competitive, receiving nominations from across Britain and Ireland.

CAHG award

Dr Nick Barratt presenting the award, with Susan Major and Anne Houson

We were judged winner of the ‘Digital’ category for 2018.

The judges commented:
“Clements Hall History Group is a textbook of scaling up impact through digital. A basic WordPress site was enough at the start, but when the Group wanted functionality across different platforms – eg tablets and smartphones – they needed to upgrade. With the aid of HLF funding and the support of a great local firm, a year later in November 2017 the Group launched the new site. Now, the site highlights the project in a more attractive way, accessibility requirements (WCAG A level compliance) are being met, storage capacity is better and site searching and navigating is much easier for visitors. The real driver of success, though, was the level of thought and planning that went into the project.”

Susan Major, our group volunteer responsible for web and digital development said: ”While we make great use of local street noticeboards to promote our talks, we recognise that the web is tremendously important in highlighting our events and researches about the impact of World War 1 for example, supported by social media such as Twitter and Facebook. We were very grateful for support from the Heritage Lottery Fund to achieve this development.”

We used a York firm, See Green, for our website project. Anne Taylor, director of See Green said "See Green is delighted to have worked with the Group to create a fresh new website to promote their work and ensure historic information remains accessible to the community both local and further afar. They have been a pleasure to work with and we hope the website serves them well into the future."