Clements Hall
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Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

Clements Hall Local History Group

Exploring the Scarcroft, Clementhorpe, South Bank and Bishophill areas of York

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Bishophill: selected sources for local history

These are some sources which you might find useful in exploring more about the history of the Bishophill area.

  • Parish registers

  • Census 1841-1911

  • Trade directories

  • British Newspaper Archive

  • Bishophill History Group produced a number of publications which gather together material about the history of the area

    • A history of Thomas Cooke, optical instrument maker to the world. The Buckingham works. Bishophill Senior. 2013

    • Roman Bishophill. 2015.

    • Richard Chicken 1799-1866: Bishophill Resident. 2015

    • Bishophill Resident. George Villiers. The second Duke of Buckingham. 2015

    • Health, disease and death in Bishophill, 2016

  • The York Historian

  • Borthwick Archive collections

  • City Archives collections

  • Charles Brunton Knight A History of the City of York (1944)

  • Patrick Nuttgens (ed.), The History of York (Blackthorn, 2001)

  • A J Peacock, Essays in York History.

  • Ronald Willis, The Illustrated Portrait of York (1988)

  • Bishophill/Clementhorpe Local Plan Study: Preliminary Report, York City Planning & Estates Office, November 1975.

  • Bishophill/Clementhorpe District Plan: Final Report, York City Planning & Estates

  • City of York Historic Environment Characterisation Statements, Bishophill no 20 and Queen’s Staithe and Skeldergate no.19

  • George Pace, Bishophill, York – Appraisal and Renewal (Sessions,1964).

  • Avril E Webster Appleton, Looking Back at Micklegate, Nunnery Lane and Bishophill: York (Reeder Publications, 2011).

  • Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in City of York, Volume 3, South west. (HMSO, 1972)

  • The 1954 Annual report of the Yorkshire Architectural & York Archaeological Society has an interesting plan of Roman Bishophill. Also a conjectural reconstruction plan of Roman York which shows Bishophill forming a major part of the Roman civil settlement or “Colonia”. It has a palace on the site of the community garden & the forum conveniently sited for the Golden Ball.

  • Hugh Murray Directory of York Pubs 1455-2004

  • Matthew Jenkins The View From the Street: Housing and Shopping in York during the Long Eighteenth Century, PHD The University of York Archaeology April 2013

  • Zoe Durrant-Walker Comb making industry in York during the 19th century: An Insight Report (York Archaeological Trust)